6 Simple Ways to Start Your Day “Off on the Right Foot”

We all deserve to have an amazing day, every single day!

It is a lot easier to do this if we start out with each morning with a few simple vibrancy tricks to elevate our mood and energize the body.

  1. Drink a large glass of warm water upon waking. We all become dehydrated during sleep. Drinking water first thing in the a.m. helps your body release toxins, which begins movement in your bowels. This process will recover and improve your digestive system and helps you wake up!

  2. Do one minute of jumping jacks or trampoline bouncing to a song you love! This will energize you, motivate you, and get those good vibes (and your lymphatic system) going!

  3. Open the curtains and/or windows. Let the sunlight and fresh air in! These support a happy mood.

  4. Stretch your hands high into the air, over your head, Think of three things you are grateful for, say them out loud.

  5. Set an intention for each day. Write it down and put it somewhere you will see it multiple times throughout the day. Your intention can include the most important task to complete or the way you want to feel (appreciative, peaceful, joy filled, creative)

  6. Be awesome with your hygiene. Turns out, when you feel clean, your brain gets a jump start by produce endorphins that make you feel good. Endorphin production can also make you feel less stressed and in general can put you in a better mood. I’m obsessed with this electronic toothbrush because it holds a charge forever and makes my mouth feel so clean, tongue scrapers, and Dr.Bronner’s essential oils soap!

Please share with anyone who could use a great start to their day!


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